Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings
not on the words

Rely on the teaching
not on the personality of the teacher;

rely on real wisdom
not superficial interpretation

rely on the essence of your pure wisdom mind,
not on judgemental perceptions


Do not simple believe what you hear
just believe because u have heard its for a long time.
believe nothing on the faith of traditions,
event though they have been held in honour
for many generations and in diverse places.

Do not confirm anything just because it agrees with your scriptures.
do not be fooled by outward appearances.
persuading yourself that a god inspires you.
do not accept as fact anything that you yourself find to be logical.
believe nothing on the sole authority of your masters and priests.

But Whatever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conductive to the good,
the benefit, the welfare of all being that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide.



Before my enlightment,
while i was still only an unlightmened bodhisatta*,
i too, being myself subject to birth, ageing, sickness,death, sorrow, and defilement,
i sought what was also subject to these things.

Then I considered thus:

"Why being myself being to birth, ageing, sikness,death, sorrow, and defilement, 
do I seek what is also subject to these? having understood the danger in them, i sought the unborn, unageing, un ailing, deathless, sorrowless, and undefiled suprame security from bondage, Nibana"

*the buddha himself uses this term when speaking of his life prior to elightment (eg.Majjhima Nikaya 4) bodhisattahood is neither mentioned nor recommended as an ideal higher than or alternative to arahantship ; nor is there any record in the pali scriptures of a disciple declaring is as his aspiration.